There's a thread at
which looks odd.  It seems that the exception filter is not being
correctly processed.

I can't find a Bugzilla entry for this.  Is it really a bug?


quoted message --------------------------------------------------------
From: "Mark  Nelson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: uncaught exception in g++ 3.4 and 4.0
Date: 13 Aug 2005 08:35:46 -0700

I have a case where an exception in the constructor of class with a
virtual base leads to termination:

struct vbase {};

struct foo : virtual vbase {
    foo() {
        throw "exception in foo ctor";


    struct bar :  public foo {};
    try {
        bar a;
    catch ( ... ) {
    return 0;


This program demonstrates the problem in g++ 3.4 a 4.0.0. Instead of
the exception, the program terminates. The base dtor gets called as
expected, but upon return, there is some generated code that I can't
decipher, which jumps to some termination code at bad_alloc + 80.

That should be a clue... but I'm unable to catch it.

| mark

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