All of them is certainly safe, other answers require digging and thinking. A few points to ponder might include: Do you want to know about fields that are accessed indirectly though implicit/explicit calls? Do you want to know what fields are accessed by the compiler without the control of the user? Do you want to know what fields are accessed directly in the body, but indirectly through a pointer to member? Do you want to know what fields are accessed directly thought a regular pointer to non-member?
This doesn't need to be that sophisticated. Perhaps oddly, I do not need to know what members were *actually* accessed, just what *could have been* accessed. So in this case, I do not even need to know what is going on at the call site (which obviously simplifies things). Since you pointed me to the front end, do you know if there is a simple way of walking the inheritance type hierarchy to determine this? Right now I'm just walking it through the ..._CONTEXTs but it seems clumsy and I'm not sure if it is because it really is clumsy or because I'm still learning my way around the internals an I don't know what I'm doing.