On Aug 30, 2005, at 4:34 PM, Steve Ellcey wrote:
I see that it is timing out on a slow machine that I have. I tried to look around to find out how and where the timeout limit was set and could not find it. Can someone explain to me how much time a compile is given and where this limit is set? By hand, I can compile the test in about 3 1/2 minutes on the machine in question (the machine may have been busier when the failure occured and thus taken longer).

M-x grep timeout *.exp from gcc and dejagnu yields:

    if [target_info exists gcc,timeout] {
        lappend options "timeout=[target_info gcc,timeout]"

    if [board_info $dest exists testcase_timeout] {
        set testcase_timeout [board_info $dest testcase_timeout]
    } else {
        set testcase_timeout 300

        if [info exists timeout] {
            verbose "Setting timeout to $timeout" 2
set status [remote_exec host "$compiler $opts" "" "" "" $timeout]

so, in .dejagnurc, or your site.exp, or in your boards files, or any place else (cmd line), you should be able to just set it.

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