> I think they are designed to provide a uniform interface to process 
> creation, etc. that is a lowest-common-denominator across systems. 

I think a better term is "highest common denominator".  We *do* want
to enhance systems when we can, because that makes it easier for the
application developers.  It's only the cases where we *can't* enhance
a system that we have to limit everyone else.

In the case of #!, since *all* process creation goes through
libiberty, it's trivially easy to have libiberty look for the #! and
support it on *any* platform that doesn't already support it.  Why
make app developers suffer without shell scripts when it's easy to
make them globally supported?

> Part of my concern is that we seem to be adding to the complexity of
> our already baroque build process, in lieu of just attacking the
> problem head-on.

Well, if everyone supports shell scripts, that's less configury and
Makefile madness outside of libiberty.

> Even a new driver option for additional directories to search seems
> better to me.

Supporting #! in libiberty doesn't have to stop you from enhancing gcc
anyway ;-)

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