"D. Hugh Redelmeier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


| If GCC4 causes this much problem with X, I wonder what GCC4 will do to
| the Linux kernel.  I understand that Linus generally prefers older
| GCCs to newer ones.  It would be great if his preference were only
| superstition.

I do not follow the linux kernel on a regular basis, so I may miss
things there.  However, I regularly follow the GMP development list
and it has been advised by GMP delopers NOT to use GCC4.0.x because of
alleged miscompilation problems 



     For GMP 4.1.4, we recommend that you use GCC 3.3.x or
     older. We've had some luck with GCC 3.4.x on some systems, but we
     have yet to find a system where GCC 4.0 builds, and neither
     crashes or miscompiles the GMP sources.

I have not analysed the problems in GMP and make no claim that it has
to do with volatile or not.  Torbjörn knows more:


-- Gaby

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