"D. Hugh Redelmeier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: [...]
| If GCC4 causes this much problem with X, I wonder what GCC4 will do to | the Linux kernel. I understand that Linus generally prefers older | GCCs to newer ones. It would be great if his preference were only | superstition. I do not follow the linux kernel on a regular basis, so I may miss things there. However, I regularly follow the GMP development list and it has been advised by GMP delopers NOT to use GCC4.0.x because of alleged miscompilation problems http://www.swox.com/gmp/ [...] For GMP 4.1.4, we recommend that you use GCC 3.3.x or older. We've had some luck with GCC 3.4.x on some systems, but we have yet to find a system where GCC 4.0 builds, and neither crashes or miscompiles the GMP sources. I have not analysed the problems in GMP and make no claim that it has to do with volatile or not. Torbjörn knows more: http://swox.com/list-archives/gmp-discuss/2005-July/001750.html -- Gaby