Daniel Berlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| On Sun, 2005-07-10 at 19:31 +0200, Gerald Pfeifer wrote:
| > I noticed that the Wiki is getting more and more of a third place where
| > to find documentation in addition of gcc/doc and wwwdocs, and a parallel
| > universe at that, with quite some duplication and inconsistencies.
| Have you not yet discovered that this is because people find the
| documentation we have to be hard to work with, and submitting patches to
| write in texinfo and whatnot to be a pain in the ass? 

I disagree with the notion that because our current documentation is
imperfect, we shall move the corrected one to the Wiki page.  I think
we've gotten too far in putting valuables bits of GCC outside our main
documentation repository.


| However, the fact that he found the current documentation *entirely
| worthless* enough to write a 104 page document on how everything
| actually worked should tell us maybe there is something wrong with our
| documentation implementation, what we cover, and how we cover it.

It tells us that the documentation is inaccurate; it does not tell us
that we ought to move it to the Wiki. 


| I find it sad that you are complaining that people have created a
| resource *they* find useful, instead of one that *we think they should
| find useful*.

The issue is not complaining that people do useful things.  Rather,
whether the updated and and more useful documentation of GCC shall be
moved outside GCC main docuementation sources.  

                                                       Gabriel Dos Reis 
                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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