[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Florian Weimer)  wrote on 18.06.05 in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> * Paul Schlie:
> > So in effect the standard committee have chosen to allow any program which
> > invokes any undefined behavior to behave arbitrarily without diagnosis?
> >
> > This is a good thing?
> It's the way things are.  There isn't a real market for
> bounds-checking C compilers, for example, which offer well-defined
> semantics even for completely botched pointer arithmetic and pointer
> dereference.
> C isn't a programming language which protects its own abstractions
> (unlike Java, or certain Ada or Common Lisp subsets), and C never was
> intended to work this way.  Consequently, the committee was right to
> deal with undefined behavior in the way it did.  Otherwise, the
> industry would have adopted C as we know it, and the ISO C standard
> would have had the same relevance as, say, the ISO Pascal on the
> evolution of Pascal.

And yet, languages like ISO Pascal *still* define undefined behaviour  
pretty much the same way C does. They just choose a different set of  
situations (well, there *is* overlap) to apply it to.

Pretty much all languages which allow access to "the bare metal" need this  
escape clause, because making a program safe in that context pretty much  
requires the compiler to solve the halting problem or equivalent - and we  
can't do that. The alternative is putting enough padding between the  
program and the metal to enable the compiler and runtime system  
significantly more control - and, of course, giving the programmer  
significantly *less* control. For example, there won't be any type-punning  
in such a language. It's a very different trade-off.

MfG Kai

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