Joseph S. Myers wrote:

The traditional form of undefined behavior is for demons to fly out of your nose. We just haven't yet got -fnasal-demons working reliably but it would be conforming for it to be on by default. If you are lucky, it will happen anyway without that option.

A nice piece of history. During the discussions of the Algol 68 revised
standard, there was a discussion of what undefined meant. Charles Lindsay
(I think, not 100% sure it was him) said "it could mean anything,
including unimaginable chaos", Gerhardt Goos replied "but how can I
implement unimaginable chaos in my compiler".

Here is an interesting example I have used sometimes to indicate just
how this kind of information can propagate in a manner that would result
in unexpected chaos. (Ada but obvious analogies in other languages)

      -- process command to delete system disk, check password first

         read (password)
         if password = expected_password then
           npassword_attempts := npassword_attempts + 1;
           if npassword_attempts = 4 then
           end if;
         end if;
      end loop;

Now suppose that npassword_attempt is not initialized, and we are in a
language where doing an operation on an uninitialized value is undefined,
erroneous or whatever other term is used for undefined disaster.

Now the compiler can assume that npassword_attempts is not referenced,
therefore it can assume that the if check on password is true, therefore
it can omit the password check AARGH!

This kind of backward propagation of undefinedness is indeed worrisome,
but it is quite difficult to create a formal definition of undefined
that prevents it.

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