On Sat, 18 Jun 2005, Robert Dewar wrote:

Mattias Karlsson wrote:
On Sat, 18 Jun 2005, Robert Dewar wrote:

Mattias Karlsson wrote:

Don't know about you, but I consider any processor that is unable to store a register to memory and then read back the same value to be buggy.

THe x86/x87 does not violate this requirement

In my Obi-Wan-Point-Of-View it does. :-)

Well I think it is inapprorpiate to assign erroneous points of
view to Obi-Wan :-) Once again, on the x86/x87 the process IS "able
to store a register to memory and then read back the same value".
ANy claim to the contrary is ill-informed.

This entire debate comes from one thing: currently floating point has always type long double untill stored to memory, regardless of user-specified type. At -O1 this becomes more or less non-deterministic.

Yes, right, but that is a different issue from being able to store
a register to memory and then read back the same value.

I confess of being overly generic, and quite fuzzy about my point.

Anyway my point of view is that the solution to anyone needing strict IEEE semantics are:
1) Use -float-store
2) Use sse math
3) Learn to live without it.

Since the "gcc-is-buggy" solution of changing x87 rounding modes will:
1) Be a lot of work.
2) Cause a lot of regressions.

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