[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jonathan Wakely)  wrote on 16.06.05 in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Thu, Jun 16, 2005 at 10:30:03AM -0400, Scott Robert Ladd wrote:
> > Aaron W. LaFramboise wrote:
> > > Boosters, FreeBSD hackers, and I'm sure tons of others are calling this
> > > the "Bicycle shed effect."
> > >
> > > <http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/misc.html#BIKESHED
> > > -PAINTING>
> >
> > If I'm building a bicycle shed, I may want to talk with others who have
> > done so in the past, learning from the experience and gaining their
> > insights. Why did they use a certain type of construction? What sort of
> > storage did they build in? What worked and didn't work for someone else
> > who has already built a shed? What did they learn from their own work?
> > Any shed I build will be better for such discussions.
> You've completely missed the point (rather appropriately).  You're
> *supposed* to be building a nuclear reactor, but have got preoccupied
> discussing the colour of the bicycle shed in which the staff will park
> their bikes.
> That's what "bicycle shed painting" refers to.

Actually, based on that FAQ entry, no, it doesn't.

Those are two different projects. It's not a shed as part of a reactor.

It's *not* about being distracted by unimportant details; it's about  
discussing easy projects to death and just rubberstamping hard projects.

Which does not seem to describe any current problem.

MfG Kai

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