Marcin Dalecki wrote:
> Please bear with me. English is my 3th foreign language.

No offense intended, You're lucky you haven't been subjected to my
Spanish... my wife cringes.

> You should always place Java last in discussions about numerical work.
> It's largely irrelevant in this area due to the inherent inefficiency 
> it bears.
> Fortran first due to tons of well tested legacy code out there,
> C and C++ next is indeed fine.

I wasn't ordering the languages in any particular way, just noting that
they have differences. Java developers have long disliked me for a
review I wrote some years ago that pointed out Java's weaknesses in
numerical work.

> However I advise you to read for example the documentation about
> Cray C to see how this kind of stuff is handled there. Taking a look  at
> Sun's C compiler will not hurt as well to see how a FPU which is quite  unique
> get's handled.

Thank you for the pointers.


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