Scott Robert Ladd wrote:
Mark has a valid concern: Why aren't bugs being fixed? One answer is:
The GCC community is often less than welcoming, friendly, and helpful.
You may not like or believe the answer, but if you want more people to
help GCC for free, an attitude adjustment may be required on your part.
It's not as if there aren't many other challenging projects for people
to participate in.
I'm a bug reporter, usually not a bug fixer, and I don't
get the feeling that the gcc developers are being rude.
The 27 issues I've reported have been dealt with professionally
and reasonably. (A few have languished unfixed, but those
bugs aren't critical, and it hasn't bothered me too much.
And to be fair, I'm sitting on fixes sent me by the gcc
developers I've been too busy to verify, so really, I
wouldn't have a leg to stand on even if I wanted to complain!)
- Dan
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