Mike Hearn <mike at navi dot cx> wrote:
On Thu, 09 Jun 2005 15:47:31 +0200, Marcin Dalecki wrote:
NTPL vers. non NTPL signal handling differences. The FC3 compiler contains
some "backward compatibility" shims at quite a few places, which are
allowing old binaries to execute. However stuff compiled with the FC3
version of the compiler, which contains some "features" not seen otherwise
will be of course inconsistent with anything else.
Do you have any details on this? Exception unwinding doesn't seem all that
related to signal handling to a non-guru ...
I'm interested, too.
I gave up trying to track down the details, and went with the easy way out:
I installed the fc3 libstdc++.so.6 rpm and updated to the fc3 libgcc_s.so rpm.
(Now apt-get is unhappy that I have two libstdc++'s installed,
so I may have to repackage fc3's libstdc++ to keep it happy...)
One of these days I'd like to understand the details, but for now I seem
to be happy.
- Dan