
On Monday 06 June 2005 09:01, Daniel Kegel wrote:
> I recently worked with a UCLA student to boil down
> a reported openssl performance regression with gcc-4.0
> to a small standalone case (see http://gcc.gnu.org/PR19923).
> We have a bit more followup to do there, but it seems
> to have been a good use of an student's time.
> So, I'm looking around for other reports of performance
> regressions in gcc-4.0.  So far, the only other ones I've
> heard of are those reported in http://www.coyotegulch.com/reviews/gcc4/
> I'm tempted to have a student try reproducing and boiling down the POV-Ray
> performance regession first.  Has anyone else already done that?
> I'd hate to repeat work.

I also have experienced some regressions:


I think this massive -Os regressions on C++ code as experienced in tramp3d and 
botan should be investigated. However I have not looked for filled PRs or 
more recnt snapshots of 4.0 so far ...


René Rebe - Rubensstr. 64 - 12157 Berlin (Europe / Germany)
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