> From: Diego Novillo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> On Sat, May 28, 2005 at 12:09:51PM -0400, Paul Schlie wrote:
>> - Yes thanks; but my point was that the result of comparison should remain
>>   '_Bool' not 'int', and be properly promoted to likely 'char' not 'int'. As
>>   for VRP to be most useful it needs to know the minimal precision required.
> What makes you think that?
> Converting the individual values to the type of the parent
> expression is exactly what VRP needs to do here.  And in fact
> that is exactly what fixes this problem.

Only because I perceived it to be necessary to most ideally/optimally
preserve the value-range result of a comparison expression.  As it was
unclear if a comparison expression were defined as having an 'int' vs.
'bool' result type, if its 0:1 (min:max) value-range would be preserved?

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