Toon Moene wrote:
> Good Luck :-)
> (it's only four years ago - I can also show you my contributions in this
> thread in 1999, i.e., the previous millennium).

Just out of curiosity, why did previous efforts fail in this regard? Was
it simply too much effort to identify all the transformations? Did the
GCC community fail to come to a consensus? Or was it simply -- as I'm
coming to suspect -- that the work involved is not justified by the result?

I do know this: Many, many scientific and mathematical programmers find
GCC frustrating and annoying, and most of those folk know far more about
numbers than I do. I wish more of these people would feel comfortable
posting to the GCC list, rather than sending private e-mails to my
inbox. However, the atmosphere of GCC development is... well, let's just
say that my investment in asbestos underware has not been wasted. ;)


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