On Sat, 2005-05-21 at 22:00 +0200, Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:
> Daniel Berlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> [...]
> | > Parenthetically, I was wondering who is freeing those extensive
> | > regions of storage xmalloc/xcalloc()ed here and there?
> | 
> | 1. The people who write the code to do the xmalloc'ing.
> | 2. Every couple of months, people run gcc through valgrind with leak
> | checking on to make sure we arne't leaking the xmalloc'd memory.
> If all memory is realized at the end of program, then obviously there
> is no leak, but that is not what I was looking for.

Then what are you looking for?

Some of the xmalloc's are hidden behind things like pool_alloc and
pool_free, which internally use xmalloc/free, etc.

> But, it is nice to know that people run GCC through valgrind every
> couple of months.

You can even use valgrind during bootstrap to verify even the gc'd
memory is being used properly.


It should work for both the zone and page collectors (I know Daniel J.
was using it with zone to verify the zone collector was working

>   Do you know whether the have the resulst publically
> available somewhere?
No, i don't think anyone takes the extra effort to try to set up a web

> -- Gaby

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