> >>>>> Jan Hubicka writes:
> >> That might be related to the bootstrap failure on AIX as well.
> Jan> Hopefully this is fixed now by Jeff's patch.
>       The libjava failure is fixed, but the patch will not affect the
> AIX libgfortran failure.
>       I have verified that either the cgraph inlining patch or one of
> the Zdenek's loop patches is the cause of the bootstrap failure.
> Reverting patches and quickstrapping stage3 does not fix the problem, so
> either some dependency is missing or cc1 itself is being miscompiled.
>       I am bootstrapping with the cgraph patches in place to try to
> track down the specific commit that caused the failure.

Can you please try the attached patch?  It fixes ICE on AIX cross for
the testcase Steven sent me.
(the problem seems to be that on AIX we produce function for static
cdtors late in a game and we don't get it properly lowered as it is not
passed throught the IPA optimizers)

I apologize for the breakage (apparently many non-ELF targets was hit)


Index: cgraphunit.c
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/gcc/gcc/cgraphunit.c,v
retrieving revision 1.105
diff -c -3 -p -r1.105 cgraphunit.c
*** cgraphunit.c        17 May 2005 16:56:22 -0000      1.105
--- cgraphunit.c        19 May 2005 10:29:26 -0000
*************** cgraph_expand_function (struct cgraph_no
*** 989,994 ****
--- 989,996 ----
    if (flag_unit_at_a_time)
      announce_function (decl);
+   cgraph_lower_function (node);
    /* Generate RTL for the body of DECL.  */
    lang_hooks.callgraph.expand_function (decl);

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