> Yes, feel free to send questions to this list or, if you prefer, to > contact me directly about getting started. > > Janis Johnson > IBM Linux Technology Center
Alright, to start with, I'd like to get a few clarifications. Should I go through all of the test cases in testsuite/gcc.misc-tests or just important ones? Also, do all of these tests need to be kept around? To make this discussion more concrete, let's consider the two test cases sieve.c and matrix1.c, both added in 1995: Sieve.c uses the sieve of Eratosthenes to count all of the primes between 3 and 2*8190+3. It does this 100 times and then returns 0 on completion. Matrix1.c declares three 100x100 two dimensional arrays: a, b, and c. It loops through a and b setting all of their elements to one; uses a loop to perform matrix multiplacation setting c=a*b; and then verifies the result printing an error if it is wrong and returning zero in either case. The expect scripts for these two test cases basically just compile and run the programs making sure that the programs compile without any errors, return zero upon running and don't produce any output. Are test cases like these still important or can they be scrapped? And if they should be saved where should they go?