Hi Rutger,

On Fri, 2005-05-06 at 07:24 -0700, Rutger Ovidius wrote:
> AH> I don't think that anyone is proposing to drop static libraries on
> AH> Win32.  Win32 systems have their own requirements that make static
> AH> libs preferable in some cases.  On GNU systems, however, static libs
> AH> make no sense at all for the Java language.
> One of the first things I had hoped for from gcj was static linking
> (except for libc) on GNU systems.
> There is new era of shared library hell and it seems to only apply to
> libgcj.

I might be to young to have experienced this last era of share library
hell. Do you have a pointer to what you are referring to and how it was
solved back then on GNU systems?

> Plus, the release cycle of gcc
> will never match the development speed of libgcj. There are die hard
> followers of gcc that do have up to date systems, but the vast
> majority do not and never will.

This is indeed a problem. But it has a happy cause, GNU Classpath and
libgcj development is going really strong and fast. We are slowly
working towards both working closer with the rest of GCC (sharing more
infrastructure) and decoupling some of the development a bit more (the
new bc-abi indirect-dispatch introduced in gcj 4). But it might take a
couple of gcc releases till we have the right balance.

> Sometimes I see a great divide between the developers of gcj, and the
> actual users of it. It seems to only target the server setting, or the
> user who wishes to compile existing apps and only run them on their
> own system. This target could be much wider in scope with static
> linking.

Where/How do these actual users communicate about the problems they are
experiencing and the disconnect between us developers and them? I would
like to better understand the actual problems these users see that we
developers might be missing.



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