Hi, On Thu, 28 Apr 2005, Mark Mitchell wrote:
> I'd rather not rush to a 4.0.1 release. I'm a fan of release early, release often. Really. Even if this means we would end up with a 4.0.20 after half a year. Basically I can think of only one reason _not_ to release after a critical bug is fixed. That reason is a very good one, it is resources. Resources to prepare the release, write announcement, testbuild the RC tarballs, and so on. But given the resource constraints I think one should release as often as possible. Every two weeks after serious bugs are fixed seems not unreasonable to me. I realize that is extreme, but I still think it makes sense. Certainly I feel that the planned two months until 4.0.1 are much too long for the number of critical bugs 4.0.0 had. Ciao, Michael.