Joe Buck wrote:
> I think you need to talk to the binutils people.  It should be possible
> to make ar and ld more memory-efficient.

Even though systems maybe demand paged, having super large libraries
that consume lots of address space can be a problem.

I'd like to libjava be split into multiple shared libraries.
In C, we have libc, libm, libpthread, etc.  In X11, there's X11, Xt, etc.
So why does java have everything in one shared library?  Could
the swing stuff be moved to its own?  Are there other logical

Unlike other modern systems with a two level page table structure,
the VAX uses a single page table of indirection.  This greatly reduces
the amount of address space a process can efficiently use.  If there
are components that will not be needed by some java programs, it would
nice if they could be separated into their shared libraries.
Matt Thomas                     email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
3am Software Foundry              www:
Cupertino, CA              disclaimer: I avow all knowledge of this message.

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