On Apr 22, 2005, at 6:25 AM, Andrew Haley wrote:

GCC regression checker writes:
With your recent patch, GCC HEAD has some regression test failures,
which used to pass.  There are 0 new failures, and 75
failures that existed before and after that patch; 0 failures
have been fixed.

The old failures, which were not fixed or introduced by your patch, are:
native g++.sum g++.dg/other/static11.C
native gcc.sum gcc.c-torture/compile/20030921-1.c
native gcc.sum gcc.c-torture/compile/20040909-1.c
native gcc.sum gcc.dg/uninit-1.c
native libjava.sum ArrayClass
native libjava.sum ArrayStore
native libjava.sum ArrayStore2
native libjava.sum Array_1
native libjava.sum Array_3
native libjava.sum Class_1


This seems to come and go.  I have been unable to duplicate this on
any machine to which I have access.  I spent quite some time last week
working on a Darwin build, and I got a clean set of test results.  I
don't know if this is a problem of the compiler or the test suite.

the libjava failures on the mainline like the above are the ones which happen at -O3 and are the ICE in postreload.c.

Andrew Pinski

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