Øyvind Harboe wrote:
How does the i386 backend optimise the stack slot assignment to minimize
the displacement offset?

We don't. We just assign sequential addresses as we allocate stack slots.

; -O0 => large offset
        leal    8268(%esp), %eax
        incl    (%eax)
; -O3 => small offset
        incl    40(%esp)

-O3 enables function inlining. With function inlining, we can see that the arrays are unused and we optimize them away. Without the arrays, the stack frames are small, and hence you get small offsets.

FRAME_GROWS_DOWNWARD has little effect on frame offsets. The internal frame layout has more of an effect. Almost all targets grow frames in the same direction as the stack, and since the stack grows downwards here, the frame grows downwards. That is just the natural direction of growth for the frame.

This thread has a stack slot assignment optimisation patch that has
never been committed to GCC CVS, but the above indicats that there is
some sort of mechanism in GCC already to mitigate this problem...

Yes, this was a real attempt to optimize frame sizes. The existing scheme referred to in that thread is no stack slot assignment optimization at all.
Jim Wilson, GNU Tools Support, http://www.SpecifixInc.com

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