"zouq" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
first i download the release the version of gcc-2.95.3, binutils 2.15,
and i use the o32 lib, include of gcc3.3.3 .
1. compile the binutils and install it
mkdir binutils-build;
cd binutils-build;
../../binutils-2.15/configure --prefix=/opt/gcc --target=mipsel-linux -v;
make;make install;

2. cp -r ../../lib /opt/gcc/mipsel-linux/
   cp -r ../../include /opt/gcc/mipsel-linux/

3. compile the gcc
mkdir gcc-build;
cd gcc-build;
../../gcc-2.95.3/configure --prefix=/opt/gcc --target=mipsel-linux
--enable-languages=c -enable-shared -disable-checking -v;

then the ERROR happened:  ...
as: unrecognized option `-O2'
make[1]: *** [libgcc2.a] Error 1

Ah, you built binutils, but did you put them on your path? You need PATH=$PATH:/opt/gcc/bin before you configure gcc. Then it should pick up mipsel-linux-as from the path.

But as Kai says, this isn't the list for this sort
of question.  You should take it to the crossgcc list
(where we will tell you to try http://kegel.com/crosstool :-)
or the etux list
(which is explicitly for people who don't like using canned scripts
like crosstool.  In other words, for people like Kai :-)
- Dan

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