----Original Message----
>From: Zack Weinberg
>Sent: 12 April 2005 18:31

> "Dave Korn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>   Then the error message *really* ought to say
>> gcc: -E or -x required when input is from standard input
>> since it is thoroughly obtuse and non-explanatory as it stands.  The
>> attached is against 4.0 RC1, but I imagine it'll apply cleanly to HEAD
>> with just a little fuzz, if people feel it's the right thing.
> Yes, I think this is the right thing.  Please test against mainline
> and apply it there if successful.  I don't think it is important
> enough to put into 4.0.0, but you should put it on the 4.0 branch
> after the release, and maybe the 3.4 branch as well.
> zw

  Tested on HEAD with --enable-languages=c,c++ by running "make check-gcc
check-libstdc++ check-gcc-c++" (yes I know there's some redundant redundancy
in that list of targets) and then diff'ing the before-and-after outputs from
test_summary to make sure nothing changed (as well as eyeballing the summary
figures); nothing did.  Final patch attached (it hasn't changed any).  It's
a trivial patch, but I have an assign on file and in fact my employer
disclaimer is in the post as we speak.  (Finally got it signed just the
other day, hooray!)  No write privs; Zack, would you be so kind?  TIA!

2005-12-04  Dave Korn  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        * gcc.c (default_compilers):  Clarify obscure error message when
  reading from standard input.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

Attachment: obscure-error-message-patch.diff
Description: Binary data

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