On Wednesday 13 April 2005 22:52, Pat Haugen wrote:
> Back to the original problem with the algorithm using edge frequency vs.
> block frequency.  Would you agree that the correct thing to do is fix the
> code so that it uses block frequency, especially since the patch of
> Zdenek's you referenced takes care of the original problem I saw when doing
> so?

My understanding of what you propose is that you want to use the dest
block frequency as the tie-breaker in the case that both edges have
the same probability.  Right?  I think this would be reasonable.  Not
my decision to make, though ;-)


P.S.  I wonder why the code for the best edge in tracer.c:better_p is
not the same as the code in bb-reorder -- or why we have two trace
finding algorithms in one compiler...  Honza?? 

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