Hi. I'm hoping you can help me with the questions in this e-mail and the one that follows. I'd sent each originally to [EMAIL PROTECTED], thinking that that person would be the best one to answer questions about GNU mailing lists, but James Blair responded by recommending that I look at the site (which I already have) or contact you.
Thanks, Chris Miller LynuxWorks Tech Pubs -----Original Message----- From: Chris Miller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2005 5:08 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: Cmiller (E-mail) Subject: GNU Mailing Lists Question #1 Hi. I'm working on a LynuxWorks doc about GNU CC that was published in 8/00. The actual GNU CC that it documents isn't being updated, but, as I found earlier this year when I exchanged e-mail with Ian Lance Taylor and Paolo Carlini, some of its information about contacting the GNU organization has become out of date. Specifically, Ian and Carlo both told me that all bugs should be reported through the bugzilla database (http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/). I'm sending this e-mail to you because our existing doc also says: "Both the bug-gcc and bug-g++ mailing lists have newsgroups which serve as repeaters: gnu.gcc.bug and gnu.g++.bug." These mailing lists aren't listed in the list of GNU mailing lists on your site (http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/), although you do have one list called "Bug-gplusplus." * For the "bug-g++" reference, should I correct our reference to replace "bug-g++" with "Bug-gplusplus" or something else? Would the reference at the end of the sentence then change from "gnu.g++.bug" to "gnu.gplusplus.bug" or something else? * For the "bug-gcc" reference, should I correct our reference to name a different mailing list? Would the reference at the end of the sentence then change from "gnu.gcc.bug" to something else? * Also concerning "bug-gcc," another part of our existing doc tells the user to "send suggested fixes to the bug report mailing list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]" Is there somewhere else I should tell the user to send suggested fixes, or is there another method now for providing info about suggested fixes to you? Thanks for your help, Chris Miller