Hi Per,

On Tue, 2005-04-12 at 20:45 +0200, Mark Wielaard wrote:
> I am looking for a real solution.

Does the following work for you?

2005-04-02  Mark Wielaard  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        * java/lang/natRuntime.cc (insertSystemProperties): Set
        java.class.path to CLASSPATH if not already set.

It is the most minimal, non-intrusive way to fix this issue without
needing to mess with the gij.cc launcher or prims.cc invocation

Running a clean bootstrap and make check now.


Index: java/lang/natRuntime.cc
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/gcc/libjava/java/lang/natRuntime.cc,v
retrieving revision 1.53
diff -u -r1.53 natRuntime.cc
--- java/lang/natRuntime.cc	2 Apr 2005 02:26:51 -0000	1.53
+++ java/lang/natRuntime.cc	12 Apr 2005 22:05:23 -0000
@@ -593,6 +593,18 @@
       // LD_LIBRARY_PATH, etc.
       SET ("java.library.path", "");
+  // If java.class.path is still not set then set it according to the
+  // CLASSPATH environment variable if given.  See gij.cc main () and
+  // prims.cc _Jv_CreateJavaVM () for all the ways this could have
+  // been set much earlier.
+  path = newprops->getProperty(JvNewStringLatin1("java.class.path"));
+  if (!path)
+    {
+      char *classpath = getenv("CLASSPATH");
+      if (classpath)
+	SET ("java.class.path", classpath);
+    }
 java::lang::Process *

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