[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gabriel Dos Reis)  wrote on 02.04.05 in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> While I know a bit of third-wrld, I have also been working in some western
> European countries for a sufficiant time to say that, well, far many real
> machines used there for work in univeristies and research labs still
> don't go beyond 512Mb memory; and they really would love to use GCC and GCC
> should be usable on those machines.

Not just Europe either, if you go even a little bit higher. I occasionally  
go looking for possible motherboards, and surprisingly many aren't  
expandable beyond two gigabytes; and even 64bit ones often seem to be  
limited at or under four! I've one gig today, so I'd like a replacement  
that can take more than two ...

MfG Kai

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