Daniel Berlin writes:
 > On Fri, 2005-04-01 at 12:43 +0100, Andrew Haley wrote:
 > > Sam Lauber writes:
 > >  > I know that Bohem's GC is used in the Java runtime for GCC.
 > >  > However, the compiler proper itself can _really_ cramp people's
 > >  > avalible RAM (for those who don't belive me and have Windows w/
 > >  > DJGPP, change all the memory controls from `auto' to the highest
 > >  > value and just try to compile libiberty/regex.c), so my suggestion
 > >  > is usage of Bohem's GC in the compiler proper itself.
 > > 
 > > Do you have any reason to believe that such a change would reduce
 > > memory consumption?
 > I should note this is a loaded question, because anyone who has
 > actually tried using boehm's gc with gcc will tell you the memory
 > usage actually increases, not decreases.
 > It's almost as if conservative mark and sweep is not going to work
 > as well as accurate mark and sweep.

Astonshing, isn't it?  :-)

To be fair to the Boehm gc, though: it isn't inherently a conservative
collector, but will also do precise gc.


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