My port have insns like add symbol_ref, r1 We emit relocation entries for symbol_ref.
Now CSE (-O2) combines insns like below mov symbol_ref, r0 add const_int, r0 add r0, r1 to add symbol_ref + const_int, r1 The relocation entry generated for this insn look like symbol + addend. The resultant value is beoyond the relocation size, and results into relocation overflow. But the code works fine with -O0, since the relocation generated for symbol is within the limits. I guess CSE will not do this if I exclude constants like symobol_ref + const_int from the insn pattern. Currently I allow "nonmemory_operand" for this insn. Thanks for any help on this. Regards --Sanjiv __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Small Business - Try our new resources site!