To be used conveniently on Panther, the recent stfiwx change in HEAD requires a later version of cctools than the 528.5 version that's currently on So, I've put cctools-576 on You can install it by clicking on the link below, or by running these commands:

hdiutil attach cctools-576.dmg
sudo installer -verbose -pkg /Volumes/cctools-576/cctools-576.pkg -target /

This version also handles 8-bit characters in identifiers properly, so all those ucnid* testcases should pass.

It's not necessary to upgrade cctools to use 4.0, since the features that need the cctools fixes aren't there.

Source for the new cctools is at <>. You can also get it from < -576.tar.gz> (they're the same tarfile, just different compression).

The checksums are:

0ebb1a56b1af0e21d9de30b644c1c059  cctools-576.dmg
3b9a5dd3db6b4a7e9c8de02198faea25  cctools-576.tar.bz2

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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