Hi Per,

Of the three proposals:
The ideal solution I think is for Ada to use line-map's source_location for Sloc in its lexer.
translate Sloc integers to source_location
when we translate the Ada intermal format to Gcc trees.
the location_t in the shared Gcc should be a language-defined opaque time,
and have language call-backs.

The first one really is out for the Ada maintainers, as this would couple
the front end far too tightly to the back end and lose the nice property that
the exact same front end sources (excluding the few C files for tree conversion)
can be used for any GCC back end from 2.8.1 to 4.1 without modifications, as
well as non-GCC back ends.

The second one wouldn't be my preferred choice, as it adds complexity for no
gain, but because the code can remain localized to the few C files interfacing
the front end to the back end, this would be acceptable.

The last would be far preferred, as it would not tie in front ends so much to the back
end, while still allowing sharing of the line map implementation when desired. As it both
seems easiest to implement, and cleanest. Clean separation from the back end is important
for languages maintained outside the GCC tree.


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