On Tue, 2005-03-15 at 23:41 -0500, Daniel Berlin wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-03-16 at 04:56 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > | > | Bison remains a good solution in many cases, especially for languages
> > | > | specifically designed to be easy to parse with an LALR parser (that 
> > is,
> > | > | languages that don't look like C).
> > | > 
> > | > Why don't we develop a "LR(k) / k small" functions-written parser for 
> > this
> > | > complex grammar?
> > |
> > | Because C++ is not LR(k) for any k.  It really does require unbounded
> > | lookahead.
> > 
> > It's possible that C++ doesn't require unbounded lookahead
> No, it's not.
> In fact, if you'd read the language grammar definition, you'd discover
> you could pretty produce the anti-program with some work.
> That given any k, it produces a C++ program that cannot be parsed with
> an LR(k) parser.

s/C++ program/grammatically valid C++ program/, just so we are clear.

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