On Sat, Mar 12, 2005 at 11:55:03PM -0600, Aaron W. LaFramboise wrote:
> Is there a reason why non-bootstrap build status reports are not
> archived?  For example, for the many targets that are only used in cross
> configurations, it would be nice to see if they are working.

First off, let me apologize for being way being on updating the build
status reports.

I'm willing to add entries for cross builds as long as there is
information in the report about the build, host, and target triples.
If the build report mentions necessary tweaks, the entry notes that.

> Also, it might be nice to have a record of negative build reports.  For
> instance, the build status page might have section for negative builds
> listing reports of failed builds that might serve as a quick means to
> determine the health of a broken port.

Bug reports are better, although I'm willing to consider this.


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