Mark Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 11/03/2005 04:55:38: > Daniel Berlin wrote: > > > As for why the new name doesn't work, it's not clear from the above. > > I'd need to see the assembly and the error. > > :) > > Likewise. I assume these functions have only internal linkage? Or that
> the original function is still provided with external linkage? (I'm > just checking that we're not breaking the ABI.) > These functions indeed have only internal linkage. The error I get is : /tmp/cc9VryOe.s: Assembler messages: /tmp/cc9VryOe.s:11056: Error: unrecognized symbol type "" /tmp/cc9VryOe.s:11056: Warning: rest of line ignored; first ignored character is `<' /tmp/cc9VryOe.s:11057: Error: Unrecognized opcode: `operator<<.589:' /tmp/cc9VryOe.s:11392: Error: expected comma after name `operator' in .size directive /tmp/cc9VryOe.s:11392: Warning: rest of line ignored; first ignored character is `<' /tmp/cc9VryOe.s:11444: Error: unrecognized symbol type "" /tmp/cc9VryOe.s:11444: Warning: rest of line ignored; first ignored character is `<' /tmp/cc9VryOe.s:11445: Error: Unrecognized opcode: `operator<<.585:' /tmp/cc9VryOe.s:11849: Error: expected comma after name `operator' in .size directive /tmp/cc9VryOe.s:11849: Warning: rest of line ignored; first ignored character is `<' the relevant assembly code (a similar assembly is produced for happens for operator<<.589): .section .text._ZNSt13basic_ostreamIN9__gnu_cxx9characterItj11__mbstate_tEESt11char_traitsIS3_EElsEb .section .text._ZNSt13basic_ostreamIN9__gnu_cxx9characterItj11__mbstate_tEESt11char_traitsIS3_EElsEl,"ax",@progbits .align 2 .type operator<<.585, @function operator<<.585: .LFB3983: .loc 22 125 0 .LVL864: mflr 0 .LCFI384: stwu 1,-96(1) ..... The caller's part: ...... .LEHE165: mr 3,31 bl _ZNSt6localeD1Ev .LBB4727: .loc 14 98 0 mr 3,25 li 4,500 .LEHB166: bl operator<<.585 .LEHE166: .LBB4728: .LBB4729: .LBB4730: ...... Thanks, Razya > -- > Mark Mitchell > CodeSourcery, LLC > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > (916) 791-8304