IMHO "gnattools" should be added to "ADA_DIRS" in "gcc_release" to generate snapshots properly. Otherwise, people who do not download and install "gcc-ada" tarballs will get a bootstrap error.
I verified that if I download the gcc-core snapshot and try a bootstrap, I get a failure building gnattools. This failure goes away if gnattools is moved from gcc-core to gcc-ada.
I tested your patch by hand crafting a release source tree, and then running "gcc_release -r 4.1 tarfiles". All this does is build the tarfiles. It doesn't touch the cvs repository or the ftp site. I did this with and without your patch, and verified that the only change was that gnattools moved from the gcc-core file to the gcc-ada file. I believe this testing is sufficient.
I checked in the patch.
I have attached the patch I checked in, so it would get archived in the gcc-patches list.
Jim Wilson, GNU Tools Support,
2005-03-10 Ranjit Mathew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* gcc_release (ADA_DIRS): Add "gnattools". Index: gcc_release =================================================================== RCS file: /cvs/gcc/gcc/maintainer-scripts/gcc_release,v retrieving revision 1.63 diff -p -p -r1.63 gcc_release *** gcc_release 14 Aug 2004 16:47:52 -0000 1.63 --- gcc_release 11 Mar 2005 01:41:34 -0000 *************** SOURCE_DIRECTORY="" *** 582,588 **** # The directories that should be part of the various language-specific # tar files. These are all relative to the top of the source tree. ! ADA_DIRS="gcc/ada libada" CPLUSPLUS_DIRS="gcc/cp libstdc++-v3" FORTRAN_DIRS="gcc/f libf2c" FORTRAN95_DIRS="gcc/fortran libgfortran" --- 582,588 ---- # The directories that should be part of the various language-specific # tar files. These are all relative to the top of the source tree. ! ADA_DIRS="gcc/ada libada gnattools" CPLUSPLUS_DIRS="gcc/cp libstdc++-v3" FORTRAN_DIRS="gcc/f libf2c" FORTRAN95_DIRS="gcc/fortran libgfortran"