Denis Zaitsev wrote:
a) Formally, the code is correct.  As p->what can never be < 0
according to its type.

I am assuming this is C code. C and C++ have different rules for enums.

This isn't strictly true. The C standard does not say that enums are unsigned. It only says that they are equivalent to an integral type with a few restrictions, and an implementation can choose to make it signed or unsigned when all enum values are non-negative. So depending on the compiler, it could be possible for p->what to be negative.

b) GCC _silently_ allows the {-1} initialization for that type, even
with -Wall.

This is because there is no such thing as an enum type in C, enums are just an alias for an integral type, and it is never wrong to store -1 in an integral type, even if it is unsigned. (C++ on the other hand will complain here because C++ has actual enum types distinct from integral types.)

Uncommenting the c= -1 member of enum, or explicit casting p->what to
int solves the problem, of course.  But maybe some warning would be
appropriate in such a situation?

You will get a warning if you compile with -W. tmp.c:22: warning: comparison of unsigned expression >= 0 is always true -- Jim Wilson, GNU Tools Support,

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