On Fri, 2005-03-04 at 21:32, Vivek Takalkar wrote:
> Could some one help me in building GCC as NATIVE GCC on platform other
> than INTEL PC, say ARM, SPARC, etc.

The procedure for building a native gcc is generally the same regardless
of target.  If you know how to build it on one machine, then you can
build it on any machine.

See the install instructions, either in the sources our on the web site
that give more info.

There are some targets that have special requirements.  These are
documented in the same place, in the install docs.

I didn't see the original message on the gcc list.  If you had a problem
with the spam filter, I'd suggest using fewer (preferably none) capital
letters in the subject line.
Jim Wilson, GNU Tools Support, http://www.SpecifixInc.com

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