I am working with c6x processor from TI. It has a VLIW architecture.
It has 32 registers namedly a0-a15 and b0-b15. b15 is used as the SP
in the current port.
I am facing a problem with the scheduler of GCC.

Following is the c code I was compiling -

int mult(int a,int b) {
 int result=0,flag;

   result += a;
 return result;

int main() {
 return mult(5,4);

Following is part of the assembly generated by GCC. Code was compiled with O2.

       stw     .D2T1   a15,    *--b15                ;D1,D2 are functional units
;T1,T2 are transmission paths
||      mvk             0,      b4                         ;|| implies
that this instruction is executed
parallel with the previous instruction
       mv              b15,    a15
       ldw     .D1T2   *+a15[3],       b1
       ldw     .D1T1   *+a15[2],       a3
       nop             3                                     
;equivalent to 3 nops
       cmplt           b1,     b4,     b0
       [ b0] mvkl              L2,     b4               ;[] implies
conditional execution. The
;instruction is executed if b0 is TRUE
       [ b0] mvkh              L2,     b4
       [ b0] b         b4
       nop             5
       [ b1] mvkl              L5,     b4
||      mvk             0,      a4
       [ b1] mvkh              L5,     b4
       [ b1] b         b4
       nop             5
            ;; problem - the below instruction should have been scheduled before
            ;; the branch instruction because it will not be executed
if the branch is
            ;; taken
       mvk             -1,     b3
       ldw     .D1T2   *+a15[1],       b14
||      mv              a15,    b15
       ldw     .D2T1   *b15++, a15
       add             4,      b15,    b15
       nop             2
       b       .S2     b14
       nop             5
       mvk             0,      a4
||      mvk             1,      b3
       add             b3,     b1,     b1
||      add             a3,     a4,     a4
       [ b1] mvkl              L5,     b4
       [ b1] mvkh              L5,     b4
       [ b1] b         b4
       nop             5
       b       .S2     L9
       nop             5

Following is the debugging dump by the scheduler -

;;   ======================================================
;;   -- basic block 1 from 17 to 89 -- after reload
;;   ======================================================

;;   --------------- forward dependences: ------------

;;   --- Region Dependences --- b 1 bb 0
;;      insn  code    bb   dep  prio  cost   reservation
;;      ----  ----    --   ---  ----  ----   -----------
;;       17     5     0     0     1     1   S1  :
;;       18     5     0     0     1     1   S2  :
;;       90    67     0     0     8     1   S2  : 89 91
;;       91    66     0     1     7     1   S2  : 89
;;       89   100     0     2     6     6   S2  :

;;              Ready list after queue_to_ready:    90  18  17
;;              Ready list after ready_sort:    18  17  90
;;      Ready list (t =  0):    18  17  90
;;        0--> 90   (b1) b4=b4+low(L25)                :S2
;;              dependences resolved: insn 91 into queue with cost=1
;;              Ready-->Q: insn 91: queued for 1 cycles.
;;      Ready list (t =  0):    18  17
;;        0--> 17   a4=0x0                             :S1
;;      Ready list (t =  0):    18
;;              Ready-->Q: insn 18: queued for 1 cycles.
;;      Ready list (t =  0):
;;              Second chance
;;              Q-->Ready: insn 18: moving to ready without stalls
;;              Q-->Ready: insn 91: moving to ready without stalls
;;              Ready list after queue_to_ready:    91  18
;;              Ready list after ready_sort:    18  91
;;      Ready list (t =  1):    18  91
;;        1--> 91   (b1) {b4=high(L25);use b4;}        :S2
;;              dependences resolved: insn 89 into queue with cost=1
;;              Ready-->Q: insn 89: queued for 1 cycles.
;;      Ready list (t =  1):    18
;;              Ready-->Q: insn 18: queued for 1 cycles.
;;      Ready list (t =  1):
;;              Second chance
;;              Q-->Ready: insn 18: moving to ready without stalls
;;              Q-->Ready: insn 89: moving to ready without stalls
;;              Ready list after queue_to_ready:    89  18
;;              Ready list after ready_sort:    18  89
;;      Ready list (t =  2):    18  89
;;        2--> 89   (b1) pc=b4                         :S2
;;      Ready list (t =  2):    18
;;              Ready-->Q: insn 18: queued for 1 cycles.
;;      Ready list (t =  2):
;;              Second chance
;;              Q-->Ready: insn 18: moving to ready without stalls
;;              Ready list after queue_to_ready:    18
;;              Ready list after ready_sort:    18
;;      Ready list (t =  3):    18
;;        3--> 18   b3=0xffffffff                      :S2
;;      Ready list (t =  3):
;;              Second chance
;;      Ready list (final):
;;   total time = 3
;;   new head = 33
;;   new tail = 18

As can be seen in the assembly dump, one instruction is scheduled
after the branch instruction. The branch is a conditionally executed
branch instruction. This is incorrect because if the branch is
executed then the instruction after that will not be executed.
Please help.
Thanks in advance.

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