On 2005-03-08, at 01:14, Robert Dewar wrote:

Marcin Dalecki wrote:
On 2005-03-07, at 17:16, Chris Jefferson wrote:
| This is why there is no reasonable
| mathematical value for 0^0.

That is true.
It's not true because it's neither true nor false. It's a not well
formulated statement. (Mathematically).

I disagree with this, we certainly agree that 0.0 ** negative value is undefined, i.e. that this is outside the domain of the ** function, and I think normally in mathematics one would say the same thing, and simply say that 0**0 is outside the domain of the function.

It's not a matter of reason it's a matter of definition. Thus the
statement "This is why there is no reasonable mathematical value for 0^0
is neither true nor false", has the same sense as saying that... well for example:
"rose bears fly very high". Just a random alliteration of terms not a statement and
thus neither true nor false because the concept of decisibility doesn't apply.

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