On Sun, 6 Mar 2005, Frank Heckenbach wrote:

> So to make it short, for my own productive work I'm not going to use
> gpc with a backend that hasn't been tested with gpc for at least
> several months. Therefore, I'm not going to do my own frontend work
> on such a version, as I want to be able to try it immediately. So if
> you think dropping older backends is the only way to support 4.x, a
> fork would be inevitable. But I'm not convinced this is really
> necessary.

Testing for 4.x and making stable with 4.x is the sort of thing naturally 
done on a branch.  This is what was done in GCC CVS on the tree-ssa 
branch: support for the old way of doing things was replaced with support 
for the new, while changes made in mainline were regularly merged to the 
tree-ssa branch.

As I understand it, James Morrison has proposed to do more or less that, 
though in his own repository since GPC lacks a public repository: port to 
the 4.x back end and merge in changes made to mainline GPC until there is 
a stable 4.x-based front end aligned with the mainline GPC front end.

> So IMHO the best thing for a smooth transition would be to add 4.x
> support as far as we can, with conditionals, so everyone can test it
> and we can drop earlier backend as soon as (safely) possible.

If you can make such conditionals work, then fine.  I'm just doubtful of 
how clean the result will be given the extent of the changes to the 
front-end interface with tree-ssa, and as soon as it goes in GCC CVS it's 
inevitable changes tested only with GCC CVS will happen to break support 
for some previous back end.

Joseph S. Myers               http://www.srcf.ucam.org/~jsm28/gcc/
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