Konark Goel, Noida <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  We submitted a patch for a new port for MAXQ architecture.
>  The original patch is
> (http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2004-12/msg02138.html)
>  The revised patch after incorporating few comments is
> (http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2005-01/msg00521.html)
>  Please let us know if that patch is acceptable.

Can you also post the result of a testsuite run to the testresult mailing list
to make sure the port is somewhat stable?
Was the copyright assignment to FSF filed for either the whole company or the
authors of the port?

Mark, how does this port fit in the 4.1 plan? Since it is totally
self-contained (it does not modify anything in GCC proper but the usual
configuration additions), I think it could be merged any time, assuming a
global maintainer can spend some time on a review. To be fair, this patch was
posted last December with mainline in Stage 3 (and got almost no comments), so
if the patch is approved, it could be added to 4.0 too (given absolutely zero

Giovanni Bajo

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