Karel Gardas wrote:
Yes, that's undefined, but I just define this class to be able to do:
Foo* f = dynamic_cast<Foo*>(x);
l = f->iiop_version();
there is nothing like delete involved. Anyway, I agree with you that emit warning about this is probably the right thing to do and so I will fix my code.

I've run into this warning with C++ code as well, and it is quite annoying. There are lots of possible reasons to want to do this sort of thing, and adding a virtual dtor increases the size of the vtable for the class.

It seems that the warning could be improved to be emitted when the *delete* is seen of a class without a virtual dtor (but that does have virtual methods). If you never actually do the questionable behavior, you'd never get the warning. It seems like a bug to emit it for the class definition.



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