> From: "E. Weddington" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Paul Schlie wrote:
>> After having the chance to experiment a little, it would seem most ideal in
>> the short term to enable GCC to add an explicit target specific attribute to
>> the effective implied __FUNCTION__ declaration; in AVR's case for example:
>>  #define ROM __attribute__((__progmem__)) /* an avr attribute */
> This is unnecessary as you should already know; avr-libc already
> #defines PROGMEM as the attribute specified above.
- GCC's avr port is not dependant on avr-libc; do you perceive it is?

>>  something (ROM __FUNCTION__);
>> Thereby effectively implying the local declaration/use of __FUNCTION__ as:
>>  ROM static const char __FUNCTION__[4] = "foo";
>>  something (__FUNCTION__);
>> Which would enable the backward compatible addition of target specific
>> attributes to the implied declaration of __FUNCTION__, enabling avr's
>> backend to place it in progmem, and be explicitly accessed using PSTR()
>> macros.
> You're lost. You really don't know what the PSTR() macro does in
> avr-libc, do you?

- I stand corrected, the proposed functionality obsoletes avr-libc's
  declared PSTR macro in this instance.

>> (Although I know there's concern about enabling fine grain specification
>> of attributes for implied static const initializer objects; but now believe
>> that both both fine grain as well as having the ability to define a target
>> specific attribute in bulk for all implied static const initializer objects
>> as may be most appropriate in different circumstances
> No, Joseph Myers already told you that overloading "static const" as
> defining the attribute for objects in different address spaces is NOT
> the way to do it. There should not be an implied way of doing this that
> overloads C keywords. It should be explicit.

- Overloading what? With hopefully a little more though on your part,
  it may have become apparent to you that this is not what is proposed.
  What is being proposed to enable the ability to explicitly add a target
  defined attribute to the implied declaration of __FUNCTION__, as it may
  be added to any other explicit declaration; as it seems be the most
  flexible way to enable target specific allocation of the static const
  data, thereby offering the same level of flexibility that the PSTR (),
  previously had in being able to influence the allocation of the
  __FUNCTION__ string.

> This issue has already been talked to death. But, hey, everybody is
> waiting for a patch from you, Paul.

- wow; the adage of shouldn't throw stones when living in a glass house
  comes to mind.

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