On Wed, 2 Mar 2005, Waldek Hebisch wrote:

> > If GPC developers are interested in having GPC integrated in GCC 4.1 and
> > are willing to have it play by the same rules as the rest of GCC - note
> > that the Ada maintainers made substantial changes to how they contributed
> > patches to GCC in order to follow usual GCC practice more closely - then
> > of course coordination would be desirable.  
> I would like to see GPC integrated in GCC. However, I feel that playing
> by the GCC rules I could do substantially less work for GPC that I am
> doing now. GCC rules pay off when there is critical mass of developers.
> My ipression was that GPC do not have that critical mass -- so it was
> better to keep GPC outside of GCC. Jim contibution can change that.

Which rules are the problem?

Patches need testing - but presumably GPC patches are already tested (and 
bootstrap isn't required for non-C-front-end changes).

Patches need testcases in the testsuite if possible - but GPC already 
seems to have a thorough testsuite, though I don't know if every patch 
gets a test or tests added there if possible.

Patches need posting to gcc-patches with explanation and review - but GPC 
maintainers would naturally be appointed maintainers of the relevant parts 
of the compiler, able to apply their own patches without review and to 
review others' patches, although posting with an explanation would still 
be needed, and GPC mailing lists could continue to operate on gcc.gnu.org 
(but with posting by nonsubscribers permitted).

Patches need documentation to be updated if applicable - but GPC already 
has documentation which I presume is being kept up to date.

Joseph S. Myers               http://www.srcf.ucam.org/~jsm28/gcc/
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