On Tue, 1 Mar 2005, Daniel Berlin wrote:

> >  That is, there won't be 
> > any problems like those mentioned in comments in bugzilla-checkout and 
> > htdocs-checkout and cgibin-checkout with the new scripts.
> I don't understand what the real problem is, because the comments claim
> something that is so strange to me i have a hard time believing it.
> I can tell you you can run multiple scripts, and it will properly
> substitute things, etc.
> So in fact, it seems like the checkout scripts don't need to send mail
> like they do now.

I don't know the real cause, but the mere existence of the log_accum 
system where CVS runs a script for each directory and the script needs to 
merge the logs and send a single message if it's on the last directory 
(rather than just having a hook for the whole commit) seems rather fragile 
and a way in which CVS is simply broken which can be avoided with SVN.

Will wwwdocs be handled as a separate repository (with its own repository 
revision numbers) or as a directory in a single GCC repository?  (I don't 
know if anything else in the existing repository, e.g. "benchmarks", is 
live to need conversion to SVN rather than just staying available 
read-only from the old repository.)

Joseph S. Myers               http://www.srcf.ucam.org/~jsm28/gcc/
    [EMAIL PROTECTED] (personal mail)
    [EMAIL PROTECTED] (CodeSourcery mail)
    [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bugzilla assignments and CCs)

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