On Sun, 2005-02-27 at 08:21 -0800, Dale Johannesen wrote:
> Current patches of this nature include the inclusion of strict-
> aliasing in -O2, writable strings, and casts as lvalues, and I'm sure
> there are others.  (So if you really want any of those, you can pick
> it up from Apple's branch:)  I don't promise our patches work on
> anything but PowerPC, though.)

It would be nice if there was a gcc compatibility patchset that could be
used to produce a compiler that accepted old sources, independent from
your other changes. 

>From what I understand Apples GCC is quite different from regular GCC,
and iirc your KHTML changes are undocumented. I don't know if the same
policy applies here but if so I'd rather not wade through the
differential looking for them.

Are these compatibility patches available in discrete diff form

thanks -mike

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