I am studying the behaviour of GCC Instruction Scheduler for Pentium processor and another RICS processor called ABACUS. In the generated assembly code for Pentium, I would like to see the no-ops. Since Pentium processor performs hardware-pipeline-stall appropriately, Compiler does not insert on-ops.
But I want to see the Assembly code with no-ops. How do I go for it? Which construct in .md file or any other file do I need to set for it?

Thanks in advance...

|Sachin Vijaykumar Sonawane|Hostel-12, R.No.-A107, |[EMAIL PROTECTED] | |M.Tech.-CSE-IITB, |Mobile-9819506594, |[EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|Roll.No.-03305039, |www.cse.iitb.ac.in/sachinvs|[EMAIL PROTECTED]| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

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